60-minute Soul Insights usually covers ONE subject, condition, or circumstance.
Following your booking, an email with payment information
and a Zoom link to connect on the scheduled day will be sent to you.

What to expect and how will you benefit from my Soul Insights:

  • The release of the filters from your subtle bodies, which are the lenses through which you view the world, other people, and surroundings, but most importantly, yourself.
  • Surrendering the weight in any form that has kept you from experiencing the lightness of both being and materialising the new version up until this point.
  • Clarity and lightness for the days ahead.
  • Circulating any stagnant energy in your energy field, in your subtle bodies, in your life.
  • Obtaining manifesting clarity required for your present circumstances,
    location, and current stage in your life.

For any clarity book your session: